2021 Real Estate Olympics Begins!

With COVID-induced volatility in the Berkeley housing market in full effect, the competition to claim the title of Real Estate Olympic Champion for 2021 is expected to be ferocious.

Contestants include: the Rent Board, City Council, ZAB, and Berkeley Property Owners Association. A number of developers, builders, and real estate agents have also entered the fray.

This year’s events will include:

  • Most evictions
  • Longest consecutive period of unpaid rent
  • Largest commission for least amount of work
  • Most change order costs
  • Most arbitrary reasons to block a building project
  • Most sanctimonious call for affordable housing
  • Most building projects blocked while calling for affordable housing
  • Ugliest luxury apartment building
  • Largest cash payment to make someone move out
  • Least successful “artist”
  • Most onerous new restriction on building
  • Longest plan check cycle
  • Laziest building inspector
  • Slowest build

Winners will be announced at the new Pickle Dome.