First Annual Neighborhood Games

Our guest contributor is Taylor Bunting, a 45-year Berkeley resident and congenital realist

Teams are now lining up to compete in the Neighborhood Games scheduled for late July (to coincide with the Tokyo Olympics) in Codornices Park in Berkeley. Go to NextDoor to sign up with your favorite team. 

Some of the teams showing early interest include: Cat People, Dog Lovers, Deer (Fawn) Friends, Coyote Chaps, Bird Watchers, Flower Gardeners, and Fireworks Fans. 

So far, the team of Rodentia Etc. (squirrels, mice, and rats) hasn’t generated much interest. If they do, the Owl Box team may also be able to recruit more members. Teams in support of skunks and raccoons are also being formed. If these teams materialize, they will find spirited competition from Dog Lovers and Coyote Chaps. 

Early rounds of the competition will pit teams against each other to resolve the emerging neighborhood conflicts that living in close proximity with nature have generated. 

For example, Cat People will be able to go up against teams from either Bird Watchers or Dog Lovers, Deer Friends can choose to compete with either Flower Gardeners or Coyote Chaps. Dog Lovers will also find explosive competition from Fireworks Fans. Subsequent rounds might highlight the conflicts between Dog Lovers and Deer Friends or between Cat People and Coyote Chaps. Fawn Friends and Car Drivers might also make for interesting competitions. 

It is hoped that by moving the neighborhood disputes from the ranting and flaming on NextDoor to the open field, resolution of the underlying conflicts can be achieved, restoring peace and tranquility to the neighborhood.