Council Reels as New CM Votes “no”

Stunning his colleagues newly installed CM Terry Taplin voted “no” on a motion in his first appearance as a Berkeley city council member. “Councilmember Taplin, perhaps I misheard,” said Mayor Arreguìn. “Your vote was to abstain, correct?” “No means no, Mr Mayor,” Taplin clarified. “D2’s days of expressing disagreement in the least effective manner possible […]

Editorial: The Bunion Congratulates Outgoing Vice Mayor Sophie Hahn on a Year of Vice

CM Sophie Hahn has sloughed off the mantle of Vice Mayor of the City Council, returning to her elected responsibilities as the representative of District 5. CM Lori Droste will take Hahn’s place as “Council Vice President” after Tuesday’s ceremonial Lowering Into The Abyss. The title of “Vice Mayor” is being retired with the transition. […]

Berkeley Awarded Patent for Innovative Rain Catchment Technology

The US Patent Office granted a patent to the City of Berkeley for its innovative system for diverting rain water from storm drains. “By leveraging our extensive network of pavement cracks, rain water replenishes the ground water beneath our streets” explained the city’s Chief Hydrological Engineer K. Rumbling. “Residents will be able to garden directly […]

Council Meets in Emergency Closed-Door Session to Discuss Holiday Gift Ideas for Berkeley’s Unhoused Neighbors

With the holidays fast approaching, the Berkeley City Council met in an emergency closed-door session last week to discuss holiday gifts for the City’s unhoused community.   Unclear as to how much money would be available to allocate for this purpose, the Mayor invited the City Finance Director and City Auditor to attend the meeting.   The […]

Berkeley Permits Strip Clubs in the Elmwood

Citing a lack of sales tax receipts from the COVID-induced plunge in retail activity, the City Council passed an item authorizing the City to issue permits for all nude entertainment in the Elmwood beginning in January 2021. Multiple operators have expressed interest. The measure passed near unanimously, with CM Davila abstaining. “We need to make […]

City Council Adopts Windsock as its Official Symbol

The flags of the United States and California will soon be joined by a windsock, the new official symbol of Berkeley’s City Council.  The measure, sponsored by Mayor Arreguìn and CM Rigel Robinson, was passed nearly unanimously, with CM Davila abstaining. “Berkeley leads the nation on key issues,” declared Arreguìn.  “The windsock affords us the […]